The world as seen through the eyes of well...ME. Mostly about random daily dumb stuff, people who suffer from mental stupidness, my love of motorsports, social media networking, lifestyle choices, and whatever else the world tosses my way.

Friday, January 13, 2023


Just watched a First Time Viewer do Die Hard, and as that is what of my all time favorite action flicks, and my number 1 Christmas movie it it sometimes hard to understand that not all people have seen it.  MOST of which are YOUNGER people.  

It was interesting how he was wondering WHY it felt the way that it did.  It FELT that way because it was practical!  While movies have been using effects and green screen for decades, it is still a very different feel when a movie used practical effects.  I LOVE CGI, but I also know that I cant always FEEL the heat or the weight or the danger. 

I call it the Michael Bey effect, and don’t get me wrong, I love the dumb Michael Bey nonsense, but I also feel like if Optimus Prime fell in my back yard, it would feel like a fucking earth quake and half the City would feel it.  But in many of the transformer films, they seem very nimble and light on their feet even when plummeting to the ground.  

Plane is a very hard hitting decently paced popcorn action flick.  Will not be movie of the year, but I will watch it again.  I think that is how I will do ratings overall, will I re-watch.  

        I dont know movies but i love movies. 

Re-watch ability: YEH
         Rating as a film: MEH
Fun Factor: YEH 
Overall: MEH POINT 5 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Friday, August 13, 2010

Charm City Reviews: Iron Man 2

iron-man-2 Robert Downey, Jr. = Rockstar

Iron Man 2 was totally worth the trip the theater.  See it on the big screen, a movie this big just does not have the same effect on a 40” TV. 

Was it as good as the first? NO.  But for a sequel it was good.  It might not have been Badder and Stronger, but it was certainly Bigger.  The money was certainly invested, the characters still had charisma.  The biggest issues I had with this movie is the fact that I didnt feel as strongly for my hero as I wanted.

But why did Tony Stark go from being a douche to being a hero back to being a douche? 

I guess its the nature of being Tony Stark. The guy that you know will always end up doing the right thing.  He just has a lot of demons it seems.  I guess anyone who could truly do whatever they wanted when they wanted might have a little bit of a superiority complex. 

As with all types of technology, once you build it and the world knows about, others will copy it.

Well, the ARC Reactor technology got into the wrong hands, apparently its an energy source that allows BAD people to engage in a bunch of shenanigans.  It was also a technology which was created by a man who was never given proper credit and this crazy bad ass with a serious accent decides he is going to avenge his father by beating Tony Stark with this technology.  There was a whole bunch of other stuff which involved the military feeling as though they had to had the technology in order to fight against bad guys who may be experimenting and the government viewing the Iron Man as nothing more than a weapon.

The story line fizzles but the action scenes are great.  Don Cheadle did a great job, even though I noticeably missed Terrence Howard, but that was ONLY because I saw part 1 right before I saw part 2. Otherwise, the switch was not that big of a deal.

Iron Man did not go exactly into the direction I would have liked, but hopefully if they decide to make another, they will get back to basics and realize that its easy to impress of with action and special effects, but what makes us fall in love and hold onto a character goes beyond explosions and nonsense.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Charm City Reviews: The Social Network

I was awarded a wonderful opportunity to see this movie in an advance movie screening.  The crowd was mostly college age people, up to 30’s.  Before the movie started, there was a quick quiz about the creator of  Facebook and the stars of the movie.  Granted, outside of Justin Timberlake I did not know many of the cast members, outside of Jesse Eisner for his wonderful work in the movie Zombieland.
Since I am not well versed in the development of facebook, I did not have a HUGE expectations of the MAN Mr. Mark Zuckerberg.  outside of knowing he was a computer programming genius, and was the world’s youngest billionaire, and that there were a few lawsuits here and there, I truly did not know many details.  While I know the movie was hollywood-ized in order to increase viewing value, this story is certainly one that should have been told!
Casting = Awesome!
Screenplay = Awesome!
From the moment the movie starts, you recognize that you have to listen to every single word being spewed out by Mr. Mark Zuckerberg in a few short sentences you were certainly made aware of how he viewed the world, and how he wanted the world to view him.  Even  though he was a bit awkward and reluctant with people he surrounded himself with really good people.  You watch as his girlfriend rips his heart out;  I mean we watch where the girlfriend rips out the wires and batteries where his heart would be if he had one as she tried to express to him what as ASSHOLE he is.  He who seems to be able to talk his way into or out of any situation, allowed his true feelings to cause his girlfriend to walk away without much hesitation as he basically called her typical and common as he boasted about his own superiority and desire to be in a “CLUB”. Once the breakup sunk into his brain he went on a tangent of drinking and programming.  He ended up creating a website which was very similar to the “Hot or Not” website but containing chicks that attended his lil university also known as Harvard!   Well, Mark managers to shut down the entire school server system with all the traffic based on one nights worth of work.  He begins to work harder and harder and finding out what he can do, and how he can create something to connect people.  To bring the social pieces of the college experience to everyone on a platter.  Through some creative programming (not related to an idea from other classmates like those hot twin rowers) and funding from  his roommate (Andrew Garfield) he begins to work on “THE FACEBOOK”.  He spends countless hours, programming and reprogramming, along the way he manipulates and gets manipulated by various others people.  Including Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake) the creator of Napster.  Sean Parker is nothing more than a showman who can read a room and say all the right words to get women to undress and men to empty their accounts. 
The Social Network is a dramatic movie about how decisions big and small can have a major impact on everyone around us.  It is about how sometimes in order to reach new heights, you have to lose a few friends.  It is about how dedication and hard work can help you create an empire.  Mark Zuckerberg is an evil genius, and I believe without him,hundreds of millions of peoples lives would be different.
He kept saying “we don’t even know what it is yet, or what it can be”  Well I will honestly admit that I believe that facebook dug its fingers into the core fibers of universe and it is constantly finding new ways to be a part of your world. 

4.5 stars out of 5
Grade: B+
All this Facebook, social networking, Mark Zuckerberg stuff does not belong to me. Im just calling it like I see it.