Just watched a First Time Viewer do Die Hard, and as that is what of my all time favorite action flicks, and my number 1 Christmas movie it it sometimes hard to understand that not all people have seen it. MOST of which are YOUNGER people.
It was interesting how he was wondering WHY it felt the way that it did. It FELT that way because it was practical! While movies have been using effects and green screen for decades, it is still a very different feel when a movie used practical effects. I LOVE CGI, but I also know that I cant always FEEL the heat or the weight or the danger.I call it the Michael Bey effect, and don’t get me wrong, I love the dumb Michael Bey nonsense, but I also feel like if Optimus Prime fell in my back yard, it would feel like a fucking earth quake and half the City would feel it. But in many of the transformer films, they seem very nimble and light on their feet even when plummeting to the ground.Plane is a very hard hitting decently paced popcorn action flick. Will not be movie of the year, but I will watch it again. I think that is how I will do ratings overall, will I re-watch.
I dont know movies but i love movies.
Re-watch ability: YEH
Rating as a film: MEH
Fun Factor: YEHOverall: MEH POINT 5